Hicaz Chorales: Gelin Gidelim Efendim/gönül Hayran Oluptur Aşk Elinden/allah Hu Allah - Let’s Go My Lord/the Heart Admires the Cause of Love/oh Lovers Illallah Hu! Charts History
Hicaz Chorales: Gelin Gidelim Efendim/gönül Hayran Oluptur Aşk Elinden/allah Hu Allah - Let’s Go My Lord/the Heart Admires the Cause of Love/oh Lovers Illallah Hu!
Sufi-Ensemble, Burhan Öçal, Mustafa Özoruç, Ahmet Kaya, Hulisi Babalik, Sercan Halili, Serkan Mesut Halili & Volkan Gumuslu