The Masque of Cupid and Bacchus: No. 1, A Symphony of Pipes Imitating the Chirping of Birds artworkplay

The Masque of Cupid and Bacchus: No. 1, A Symphony of Pipes Imitating the Chirping of Birds Musica Ad Rhenum, Jed Wentz

Galliard & Purcell: Pan and Syrinx & The Masque of Cupid and Bacchus
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Dezembro 01, 2008
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Galliard & Purcell: Pan and Syrinx & The Masque of Cupid and Bacchus
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Dezembro 01, 2008
playThe Masque of Cupid and Bacchus: No. 1, A Symphony of Pipes Imitating the Chirping of Birds artwork
The Masque of Cupid and Bacchus: No. 1, A Symphony of Pipes Imitating the Chirping of Birds artwork
The Masque of Cupid and Bacchus: No. 1, A Symphony of Pipes Imitating the Chirping of Birds
Jed Wentz & Musica Ad Rhenum
Apple music
Apple music