Studies for 2 Pianos on "The Art of Fugue", BWV 1080 by J.S. Bach: Studie 1. Nicht zu langsam (Contrapunctus 1)
Studies for 2 Pianos on "The Art of Fugue", BWV 1080 by J.S. Bach: Studie 2. Sehr schnell (Contrapunctus 2)
Studies for 2 Pianos on "The Art of Fugue", BWV 1080 by J.S. Bach: Studie 3. Leicht schwebend, nicht zu langsam (Contrapunctus 3)
Studies for 2 Pianos on "The Art of Fugue", BWV 1080 by J.S. Bach: Studie 4. Nicht zu langsam (Contrapunctus 4)
Studies for 2 Pianos on "The Art of Fugue", BWV 1080 by J.S. Bach: Studie 5. Langsam (Contrapunctus 5)
Studies for 2 Pianos on "The Art of Fugue", BWV 1080 by J.S. Bach: Studie 6. Langsam (Contrapunctus 6 per Diminutionem in Stylo Francese)
Studies for 2 Pianos on "The Art of Fugue", BWV 1080 by J.S. Bach: Studie 7. Nicht zu schnell (Contrapunctus 7 per Augmentationem et Diminutionem)
Studies for 2 Pianos on "The Art of Fugue", BWV 1080 by J.S. Bach: Studie 8. Nicht zu langsam (Contrapunctus 8)
Studies for 2 Pianos on "The Art of Fugue", BWV 1080 by J.S. Bach: Studie 9. Sehr schnell (Contrapunctus 9 alla Duodecima)
Studies for 2 Pianos on "The Art of Fugue", BWV 1080 by J.S. Bach: Studie 10. Schnell (Contrapunctus 10 alla Decima)
Studies for 2 Pianos on "The Art of Fugue", BWV 1080 by J.S. Bach: Studie 11. Prestissimo possibile (Contrapunctus 11)
Studies for 2 Pianos on "The Art of Fugue", BWV 1080 by J.S. Bach: Studie 12. Langsam (Contrapunctus 12 Rectus+Inversus)
Studies for 2 Pianos on "The Art of Fugue", BWV 1080 by J.S. Bach: Studie 12a. Nicht zu langsam (Contrapunctus 12 Rectus+Inversus)
Studies for 2 Pianos on "The Art of Fugue", BWV 1080 by J.S. Bach: Studie 13. Prestissimo possibile (Contrapunctus 13 Rectus+Inversus)
Studies for 2 Pianos on "The Art of Fugue", BWV 1080 by J.S. Bach: Studie 13a. Schnell (Contrapunctus 13 Rectus+Inversus)
Studies for 2 Pianos on "The Art of Fugue", BWV 1080 by J.S. Bach: Studie 14. Nicht zu langsam (Canon in Hypodiatesseron per Augmentationem in Contrario Motu)
Studies for 2 Pianos on "The Art of Fugue", BWV 1080 by J.S. Bach: Studie 15. Schnell (Canon in Hypodiapason - Canon alla Ottava)
Studies for 2 Pianos on "The Art of Fugue", BWV 1080 by J.S. Bach: Studie 16. Nicht zu schnell (Canon alla Decima. Contrapunto alla Terza)
Studies for 2 Pianos on "The Art of Fugue", BWV 1080 by J.S. Bach: Studie 17. Presto feroce (Canon alla Duodecima in Contrapunto alla Quinta)
Studies for 2 Pianos on "The Art of Fugue", BWV 1080 by J.S. Bach: Studie 18. Maestoso, ma molto calmo (Fuga a 3 (4) Soggetti)