Po Prochtenii Psalma (At the Reading of a Psalm), Op. 36: III. K Chemu Mne Pyshnykh Khramov Svody (But I Do Not Need Splendid Temple Vaults) (Chorus)
Po Prochtenii Psalma (At the Reading of a Psalm), Op. 36: IV. K Chemu Mne Zlato? (I Do Not Need Gold) (Chorus)
Po Prochtenii Psalma (At the Reading of a Psalm), Op. 36: V. K Chemu Kurenya? (I Need No Incense) (Quartet)
Po Prochtenii Psalma (At the Reading of a Psalm), Op. 36: VI. K Chemy Ogni? (I Do Not Need Fires) (Quartet and Chorus)
Po Prochtenii Psalma (At the Reading of a Psalm), Op. 36: VII. Interlude - Tvoy Skuden Dar... (Your Gift Is So Poor...)
Po Prochtenii Psalma (At the Reading of a Psalm), Op. 36: VIII. Aria:…Yest' Dar Bestsenniy (…But There Is a Priceless Gift) (Alto)
Po Prochtenii Psalma (At the Reading of a Psalm), Op. 36: IX. Mne Nuzhno Serdtse Chishche Zlata (I Need Your Heart to Be Purer Than Gold) (Double Chorus)